Sunday 27 June 2021

Wayne Mason : part one

Wayne Mason is a writer and sound artist from central Florida USA. He is the author of six chapbooks of poetry, including the most recent Automation, Man! (Bold Machines) from Sweat Drenched Press. He is also the author of the online chapbook I Ching Jukebox (2013, OpCode Press) as well as Subliminal Syntax (2019, Analog Submission Press) a cut-up chapbook of syntactical deconstruction.

His poetry and prose have been published widely in the small press both in print and online. His work has also been included in several anthologies, including Cut Up! An Anthology Inspired By The Cut-Up Method Of William S Burroughs And Brion Gysin (2014 Oneiros Books).

He has also been active in the experimental music scene for over twenty years. He records noise, experimental, and ambient sounds both solo, and as one half of the electronic project Blk/Mas.

Has your consideration of poetry changed since you began?

When I was young poetry was a very external thing, very reactionary to the world around me. Now that I am older I am more concerned with in-ner space than outer space… I want to go so far inward that I leave this body. Like the psychonauts of Tibet I want to access places that are oth-erwise hidden. Poetry as always is a form of therapy, but also it is a form of meditation.

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