Sunday 5 December 2021

Charlie Petch : part five

How does a poem begin?

I usually enter with no plan. I sit at my desk in the morning, before the news and any other influences have started my mind spinning in all directions (I have ADD) and find this is also my most emotional part of the day. I can cry at almost anything before 10am, a perfect state for creating art. Sometimes I open up a book and blindly let my finger fall on a line, or word and use it as a prompt. Sometimes it’s the dictionary, or whatever is usually nearby, and I write a little something. My poetry begins with the sunrise. 

Other times it is an idea that has stayed with me, a dedication or need to get a message across wrapped inside a narrative. For this process I will write with intention, and go into the editing process soon after. There’s a different excitement for these poems. Sometimes I will carry around the idea for years before it’s ready to be voiced and oh my gosh, that day when the poems comes together, is a real celebration. 

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