Monday 31 January 2022

Bára Hladík : part four

What do you feel poetry can accomplish that other forms can’t?

Poetry is deconstructivist and has a way of tearing down language and building it back together, often in a way that is healing or transformative. It’s power is to take narrative into multidimensional time, more like how we experience time than through a regular narrative. Poetry is a way to show a whole universe. I also love it because poetry is accessible. Poetry is an artform that can be with you anywhere, anytime, even if you don’t have a pen. Most people can jot down a few poignant lines on a napkin or swirl some words around their minds. For me, as someone who is chronically ill, a lot of my poems come from when I am in a space between waking and dreaming, when my body needs to power down for several hours, but my mind is still processing, dreaming, writing. I write a few words when I come out of my dream space, and slowly build a poem over time. I am able to create even though it looks like i’m dead asleep. I love that you don’t need instruments, tools or money to write poetry. Poetry is with you.

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