Tuesday 26 October 2021

Perry Gasteiger : coda

Poetry is personal.

When you create, you are exploring your self and your world and it will open up universes of opportunity for you to expand yourself if you let it. If you let your mind slip through the cracks of social rhetoric you can see the veritable infinity of truths and unifying factors that are vibrating just beyond what we’re told to look at. Find something for yourself when you write. Write to learn, to answer your own questions through the process of writing. Your poetry is for you.

And it is not yours.

It never was, and it never will be. What you create becomes a personal experience for everyone who comes across it. It takes on its own life in the hundreds of individual realities it happens to fall into. We must all cut the cord eventually, let our work grow into its place in the world. Give your words and your art the space they need to expand and outstrip themselves, to become more than you made, to affect the world the way only ideas can. If you hold too tightly, you’ll find yourself with a pile of broken sentences and misused words. Just let it go.

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