Tuesday 19 May 2020

Jay Besemer : coda

What are you working on?

As I write this, I'm proofing galleys of my book Theories of Performance, which should be available for preorder by the time these questions post. I'm also working on placing another book, The Horse. I have slowed down my poetry writing for a number of reasons, but I do have a collection-in-progress called Simple Machines that's coming into being. I'm also working on an ongoing visual poetry/poetry comics/collage poetry collaboration with Johnny Damm, which spills over into independent collage poetry pieces.

I'm always working on my ongoing everyday journaling, which has direct & indirect relationships to my other work. I'm also placing more energy into video work that isn't precisely poetic. I am thinking through the question, "what would happen if I made a 'lyric essay' in video format?" as I imagine a possible road trip across New York State that is also a trip through my past & present. But the trip itself is also, possibly, completely imaginary, or may have to be. Making a video "essay" from that is in keeping with the way I work poetically, though!

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