Tuesday 7 January 2020

Evelína Kolářová : part two

Why is poetry important?

Literature, and consequently poetry, should always be highly regarded for its ability to express human experience. Unlike other forms of art, it uses language as a medium for the articulation of human experience. If we want to articulate something, one of the best ways to do so is with language. Literature provides a critical picture of the world, provides us with an opportunity of self-reflection and progress by pointing out certain issues, and with an opportunity to enrich language. Poetry specifically is important for its use of figurative language and for the possibility to create an architectural masterpiece by experimenting with forms and structures while simultaneously not imposing them on us. A poetic view of the world is important as well – a poet’s worldview. We need poets and their view for their ability to observe the world through different perspectives and perhaps for their ability to express concepts which one is able to see but seldom notices.

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