Saturday 11 May 2019

Cendrine Marrouat : part one

Cendrine Marrouat is a photographer, poet, author, and French Instructor. Born and raised in Toulouse, France, she moved to Canada in 2003.

Cendrine started her artistic career in 2005 and has released 11 books, including five collections of poetry, three photography books, a play, and three social media ebooks. Her 12th book will be released in February 2019.

Cendrine specializes in nature, black-and-white and closeup images. Her photography seeks the mundane to capture the fleeting, but true beauty of life in its many forms.


How does a poem begin?

In my case, a poem usually starts with a title. I cannot write anything if I don’t have that first. So, even with an idea, which often comes to me in the shower, my creativity will only flow naturally after this first step.

In rare occasions, a poem will come to me like a bolt of lightning. I always have a pen and piece of paper handy to jot down notes. 

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