Monday 18 February 2019

Tyler Truman Julian : part five

What do you find most difficult about writing poetry?

I feel like one of the most difficult parts of writing poetry is revising. As I’ve mentioned in some of the other questions, to me, poetry feels so carnal and immediate, which is a little bit like a double-edged sword. Once I get through those first few drafts and I put so much energy into them, I want that to be the end of it! That’s why having that solid group of readers there to support you and help you envision a potentially different end goal than what you initially thought is so important. Without them, many of my poems would remain half-baked notes in my phone that nobody else would see or let alone understand. Finding that balance between the personal and universal seems to be another challenge, but once you find it in a poem and are able to share it, you can really see the power of poetry.

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