Monday 29 July 2019

Tolu Oloruntoba : part four

What poets changed the way you thought about writing?

For showing a path to the mystical in writing: Okinba Launko, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Amos Tutuola, Eduardo Corral
For showing that I can craft a personal mythology, or recombine what is taken for granted: Pascale Petit, Yusef Komunyakaa, Safiya Sinclair
For bringing balance into chaos with a difficult-to-imitate stillness: Rainer Maria Rilke, Mark Strand, Lorna Crozier, C.K. Williams
The Council: Wole Soyinka, Dionne Brand, Gregory Pardlo
For showing a path to the scientific in poetry: Adrian Matejka, Sally Wen Mao
For permission to embrace my weird: Jim Johnstone, Shane Neilson
For broadening my visual field: Kaveh Akbar, Solmaz Sharif 
For eloquently describing the anguish of the exile: Esiaba Irobi
For teaching me that being less opaque does not have to sacrifice quality: Kimiko Hahn, Maggie Smith
For calibrating my ear to the way poetry is supposed to sound: Chris Abani
For bringing the fire: Terrance Hayes, Saeed Jones, Kamau Brathwaite
For refusing permission to choose despair as the logical end of (my) poetry: Ross Gay, Eve Ewing

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